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3 Simple Steps For Storing Cashmere

Spring is fully in swing and now is the time to pack up the cold weather sweaters. I also like to take this time to sort out the items that I don't plan to keep. Donating things that are still very usable gives me a nice feeling and I encourage you to try it yourself. I have enjoyed my collection of cashmere sweaters and wool coats and plan to continue to add to it next fall. In the meantime those fluffy dreams need to be put away so they will be fresh when I'm ready for them again. (In addition to my cashmere, I also have a few Angora and lesser wools.)  Here are the steps that I have found to keep those treasures like new and ready for next winters enjoyment. 1. This process starts by sending them out to the cleaners. I generally do this in batches, starting with the ones less used. Inevitably there is a bit of food or some other unnoticed issue that, if unattended, could turn into an unsightly mess once it oxidizes in storage.  2. As I get them back,

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